ExitExec ======== A very simple utility to allow you to exit Windows, run a DOS program, and restart Windows when it's finished. Useful for those DOS programs that can't be run from within Windows. Installation is easy. Simply put EXITEXEC.EXE ib a convenient directory, probably somewhere on your PATH. Use Program Manager's "File/New/Program Item" to add a new icon into a Program Manager group. The command line format to use is: EXITEXEC.EXE [] There are certain limitations to the Windows API call that is being used for this utility. The key one is that, when Windows exits, there's no telling exactly which drive/directory you'll be in. For this reason, it's always a good idea to specify the full pathname of the program you want to run. If the program you specify is not an EXE or COM file, EXITEXEC will automatically precede the call with " /c". THis is because the Windows API call doesn't directly allow execution of anything but EXE or COM files. In addition, there's no facility to pause before restarting Windows once your program has completed. If you want a pause, it's best to use a batch file with a "pause" statement at the end. This utility is released as Freeware, a gift to all my friends in the online community. As such, I don't anticipate doing much in the way of support or enhancement. That said, I'd still appreciate any comments or bug reports. (c)Copyright 1993 Brad P. Smith BPS Microconsulting Services R.R. #2 - 777 Crozier Rd. Oxford Mills, Ontario, Canada, K0G 1S0 E-mail: B.P.Smith@BIX.com